Monday, 26 May 2014

PulseAudio Equalizer for Linux

 When using the PC, listening to music became a habit.

PulseAudio Equalizer is an equalizer for Linux with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with a lot of presets which work pretty well.

In order to install on Debian 7 (where it was tested, will probably work on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and related distros):

Add the repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

This line will add the PPA to your repository list: it tells your software installer where to search for new packages. In this case you add someone's personal repository in order to install what they developed.

Next, update your software installer:

sudo apt-get update

This is an important line. Before installing something via APT, you should update it. If you tried running the next code line without updating, it probably wouldn't find the equalizer because APT wouldn't know it has another repository in it's list to search for software.

Finally, install the equalizer:

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer

Final note on update and upgrade:

If you want to upgrade your packages via

sudo apt-get upgrade

You should run

sudo apt-get update

because your packages might have been updated and APT doesn't know about that yet, so it'll not upgrade your packages because their versions match the latest version as read by APT.

Source with detailed information and bug fix here.

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